Back to Bangkok (hm)
Back to Bangkok (hm)
We decided to leave Hua Hin a few days early in order to spend more time in Bangkok. I know that we are almost to the hotel because traffic has slowed to, well a stop. We have been sitting in the same intersection for about 15 minutes now, so in an effort to stay productive, decided to tell all our readers about our newest adventures.
Hua Hin is a lovely seaside town, reminiscent of lovely seaside towns around the globe. After recovering from a major episode of food poisoning, one of our team members is now a card carrying member of the San Paolo Hua Hin Hospital.
A point of interest for the insurance-challenged states…an emergency room visit and five prescriptions cost a whopping US$50.
Since the team has regained our collective health and vitality, we feel the pull of good old fashioned American productivity calling us back to the big city for one final push before we head home for the holidays.
(Photos of our Hua Hin Guesthouse 2787 and 2788)

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