Tagging, Day 3
Today was a long but fruitful day.
I had intentions of getting to many more places than I actually made it to. Top Tropicals, Boynton Botanicals, Excelsa Gardens, and Bougainvillea Growers - you'll have to wait till my next trip down south.
I started the morning at Calusa Creek Tree Farm www.calusacreek.com in Stuart, FL. Stuart is north of West Palm Beach and about 2 1/2 hours from Homestead. I had visited the farm several years ago on a Tropical Plant Industry Expositon (TPIE) field trip. I knew they had big stuff but I was hoping they fared well with the hurricanes of last season. I was in luck! After meeting up with the general manager, Paul Sojka, I was able to tag many big trees. These beautiful Ficus were contract grown for another customer but only 1/2 were needed so I was able to take the remainder.

I also tagged some Phoenix reasoneri (Vietnamese Date Palm), Hyophorbe verschaffeltii (Spindle Palm), field grown Ficus, and contorted Queen palms with a bent trunk. The shade houses are amazing! Check out the size of these trees!

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